2.) What chores is your f/o good at? Maybe folding laundry, or mowing the lawn/gardening? What chores do they do that you usually don’t?
💫 is good at organizational stuff, but I'm also good at organizational stuff. We both get it from our mothers. He does any laundry that needs to be done, and I am so thankful for that because I hateeee doing the laundry. He handles bringing out the recycling bins, and I do the trash and the greenbin.
4.) What ways does your f/o show their love for you? By surprising you with your favourite snack once in a while, or giving you back massages when you’re in pain?
💫 shows his love for me in so many ways, back massages, hugs, verbal affection. He's there for me, he's understanding, he's just... amazing. 💫 loves to be in the same room as me, even if we're both just doing our own things.
6.) Is your f/o fussy over you if you have any self-destructive behaviours? What are their ways of making you care for yourself?
Oh Gods, yes. If I'm ever missing meds or skipping meals, 💫 will nag and bother me until I get what I need. He's gentle and kind about it, but he wants to make sure I am okay. Speaking of which, he'd like me to take my pill now t-t.
8.) What do they usually do to take care of you when you’re ill, and vice versa? (More importantly, do they burn the soup?)
When I'm feeling under the weather, 💫 snuggles with me, even if he might get sick himself. He's very confident in his immune system lmao! He also gets me heating pads to help with the aches, and makes sure that I get a lot of fluids. He wouldn't burn the soup, but he'd be shocked if I ate it!
10.) What’s their contact name and assigned picture? What do they have for you?
We're so boring lol, both of us have each other's first and last name as our contacts, as well as nice pictures of one another.
12.) Describe their hugs/cuddles.
💫 's hugs and cuddles feel like home no matter where we are. His arms make me feel safe, protected.
14.) Can the two of you act like functioning humans inside a grocery store together or are you both too good at getting off track and making the other laugh?
💫 can act like a functioning human inside of a grocery store. I cannot. Idk what it is but grocery stores make us dissociate and switch like nothing else- probably because we all love grocery shopping an unreasonable amount and everyone wants to front for that. 💫 is the one who keeps track of the list, and I'm the one that adds everything that isn't on the list. Especially in the baked goods section, I love food. I'm getting excited just THINKING about grocery shopping.