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starkfuckingsands reblogged
starkfuckingsands reblogged
starkfuckingsands reblogged
Check out this brief clip of Stark explaining how he prepared for his role as a folk singer and guitarist in The Coen Brothers Inside Llewyn Davis!
Source: Yahoo!
Check out this brand new Inside Llewyn Davis clip that features Stark performing with Carey Mulligan and Justin Timberlake.
starkfuckingsands reblogged
Stark Sands filming on location for ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ on March 7, 2012 in New York City.
A brand new Inside Llewyn Davis Clip has been released, featuring Stark as Troy Nelson!
Linda Raya says it takes three things to make a star: talent, drive, and the tenacity to stick with your dream. The longtime Highland Park High School teacher saw all of these characteristics, and so much more, in Stark Sands.
Click through to read more, which includes an interview with Stark.
Junket interview Stark Sands (Troy) on Inside Llewyn Davis.