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Star Hopper, a very important sparkle pony


Collector of mostly G1s and G3s, with a few ponies from other runs sprinkled in. I also reblog the occasional 80s/early 90s nostalgic toy post and some MH/EAH stuff. This is a SFW only blog (I can't believe I have to say this) kinksters/littlespace/etc. do not interact please. My main is librarychair, I'll follow you from there

She is allowed to snuggle with the ponies as much as she wants as long as she doesn't bite them

If this isn't love what is

After a long, love-filled life of 21 years, and a harrowing decline into organ failure, we had to say goodbye to this extremely good kitty yesterday (november 28 2024). The last thing she knew was relief from pain, and the last thing she did was purr while I petted her. I love her so much, she was so kind to me, and I did my best by her.


i have depression 5x as bad now knowing this pose was  made but never used

This is the precursor to the sitting pose. Kirk Hindman created it and loved it. In fact, everyone involved with MLP at Hasbro loved it. Everyone except the engineers. It was very difficult to remove from the mould because the legs were splayed out. Kirk streamlined the pose so the legs are against the body.

What this photo doesn’t show is how hilariously huge the butt is. Like comedically large. Absolutely gigantic. There is only one pony who could have this pose and do it justice; Munchy the pony with hot dogs, hamburgers, pickles and fries for symbols.


we could have had munchy the thicc queen but instead we got bubbles and seashell all demure and then no pony ever sat down ever again. Rip to a legend, we are poorer for the lack of this pony's bum 😔


G1 My Little Pony Annual 1985 - "Hello, Baby Cotton Candy"


Love love love the "tiptoe through the tulips" ass look baby cotton candy has on her face in the last panel. Yeah there are angry bees chasing me but that can't stop me from frolicking all carefree in this meadow


Least favorite color scheme.

This combination of this particular shade of desaturated fleshy pink with purple and/or white. Maybe not bad on its own, but it's definitely been overused in girls' toys to the point that it feels cliche and boring.

Don't tell these guys that's the prompt they were pulled out for… I still love them so much!! orz



Woo hoo, snuck in a couple cute Valentine’s Day photos! Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone, I hope you had a good one! Today features two new ponies after their baths - Love Melody and Strawberry Surprise!


Meet Heartwood, the rose gold Valentine’s Day pony! Heartwood is found at the center of a tree, and is the hardest part of the wood. But our Heartwood is quite soft, and exudes a quiet, peaceful sort of affection.

Heartwood is a custom My Little Pony created from a HQG1C sparkle base, and dyed in RIT Dyemore Synthetics in Sandstone and Super Pink, and has six (!!!) different colors in his hair, including three pinks! The colors are all from, and they are Sakura, Pink Sugar, Pixie Dust (all pinks), Peaches and Cream, Sunlight and Love Potion.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Scheduling this beauty to jump scare me next valentines at 6:09


"We are all works-in-progress.

You deserve much patience and time."

Edit: I have lost the file I edited in both the Wing strap and spelling. I will most likely just uploaded another after I sorted it out.

For this year's Valentine's Day, I gave you Always & Forever that I have been working on since 2nd Feb.

I decided to work with fabric craft idea, and turn her rose tiara into a clothe flower crown.

Graphics and reference used:


I generally would like to unbox repros (says someone who still has all their repros in their boxes🙄) but the packaging on this one is just so pretty! I know she's not *technically* a repro, rather a realization of a never-produced concept from late in the run of G1, but yeah.

My partner got her for me for my birthday last week. I'm only now able to properly appreciate her, since the oppressive constant fear and gloom I was in over the last few weeks seems to be dulled down, due to a combination of meds, change in news and my own coping skills having come into effect.

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