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All I ever wanted was for you to eat me


eli || they/he || follows from @bireaucracy-archived || header by @supersonicsoda

(formatted for better legibility and not for emphasis)

elisha, formerly @bireaucracy-archived. i’m white and french, i'm tme, i’m a dyke, and i’m in my late 20s. i'm disabled

i do not have a dni but be aware that i occasionally post stylized gore and vaguely nsft stuff (the truly sensitive stuff goes to my private blog @toloveistoeat). blacklist #gore, #flesh, and #nsft if you’d rather not see it. i also discuss things like incest, abuse and csa.

various interests include: late antiquity and early medieval history in the western mediterranean, talking about disability and ableism in france, cannibalism, monsterfucking, history of religion (particularly judaism and mormonism), horror (especially body horror), buildings and cities as sentient beings, symbiotic/parasitic relationships in fiction, hating on web 2.0, narratives that are too ambitious for their own good, game preservation, video game metanarratives, healthier attitudes towards nudity/sex/kink, and more.

i enjoy (and hyperfixate on): chainsaw man, revolutionary girl utena, fullmetal alchemist 2003 only (no brotherhood or manga here), i want to hold aono-kun so badly i could die, wrestling and particularly wwe bloodline, the locked tomb, arcane, pathologic, nier, persona 3, the handmaiden, jojo’s bizarre adventure, most of octavia butler’s work, homestuck (sigh), houseki no kuni, umineko, ff7, 1000xresist, and others.

do not send me callout posts or donation posts, i do not care about the former and will only reblog the latter if i know the person asking (or someone is vouching for them).


Mobilisations le vendredi 7 mars pour défendre la liberté des sciences

Stand Up For Science est un mouvement initié aux Etats-Unis en réponse aux attaques et censures virulentes des institutions de recherche, des agences de régulation, des droits civiques et de la démocratie par l’administration Trump

Le vendredi 7 mars des marches sont organisées dans toute la France, dont Paris

  • 9h30-11h : conférence de presse au Collège de France
  • 11h30-13h : tables rondes et exposés à Jussieu
  • 13h30 : Rassemblement place Jussieu puis marche dans le quartier latin

Ressources :

•⁠ ⁠Cinquante scientifiques et universitaires appellent à défendre la production et l’accessibilité des sciences

•⁠ ⁠Tribune de l’IDEEV

•⁠ ⁠Intervention de Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Olivier Berné et Alain Fisher sur France Inter

•⁠ ⁠Paru dans Science

•⁠ ⁠Quelques mesures de censure de la recherche aux USA


not to do standpoint epistemology on femboyism but İ work as a teacher and am able to do so due to legally and socially being a woman. İ would not be able to do this job if İ looked the way İ do with a masculine name and pronouns. that "femboys are inherently more accepted" completely falls apart once you leave the world where every transfem is either an online sex worker or an overwatch character should be obvious


Yeah see the accusation that banks are failing due to “wokeness” is just the same tired tropes of ”good industrial capitalism” vs “corrupt financial capitalism” that fuels antisemitic conspiracy theories. The whole of capitalism is the issue not only it’s tendencies towards financialization. Trying to conflate financial capital with (((antiracist))) politics conveniently positions industrial capitalism and the petite bourgeois as saviors for the whole of capitalism against the threat of (Jewish) multiculturalism.

“DEI causes bridge collapses” follows a similar trend.

An interesting thing to note is how Black Americans are increasingly being depicted as co-partners in a Jewish conspiracy against white gentile industrial capitalism.


it's either a neverending uti or it's something else (possibly a cyst bc that's happened before) but i cant get an echography until in two weeks


just finished aono-kun volumes 10 and 11 last night. wanted to illustrate my experience of reading the whole series so far. take this as a recommendation!


i was asked by a friend last night if id tell it about mormons some time and i had to physically restrain myself from going on a four hour mormon infodump right there

at one point when my special interest reached a fever pitch i considered converting NOT OUT OF ACTUAL BELIEF i wanted to lie right through it. but i wanted an excuse to get inside the temple and witness the ceremonies and the gaudy inner sanctum myself. at the paris temple i was near banging yelling LET ME INNNN I WANNA SEE THE WEIRD MOVIE ABOUT CREATION TOO I WANNA SEE THE PONCHOS. and then i realized that not only i am terrible at lying, id have to smile and nod at truly insane takes and id probably be hurting the feelings of well meaning members who arent necessarily bad people and also the lds church would have my contact and tax receipt and i didnt want that to happen in any way. but that's the sheer level of feverish obsession i got to and while im no longer 100% there from time to time it activates like a sleeper track. ill tell you about the fucking book of abraham and the evolution of the ceremonies and mormons' cia links and the church's shady business dealings and the current prepper apocalyptic branch that are obsessed with near death experiences and the mommy bloggers and the utterly batshit racist teachings and the utah war and how missions are meant to radicalize and condition youth and coffee bans and

they used to teach you could become a god of your own planet and now they pretend they never did. it's not trinitarian but dualist. they play a terrible movie in the temple that they had to redo when the director of the old one was outed as a predator. you're expected to donate a shitton of your time and labour as well as ten percent of your money. they teach that their leadership talks directly to god and is inspired in all of their callings which makes it very awkward when it turns out one of their bishops or elders turned out to be a predator or grifter. they have an insanely powerful lawyer firm as attack dogs. they used to send missionaries to south africa just to preach to white people. joe smith wrote an epic racist old testament attempt book where jesus mass murders millions. you have some mormon archaeologists genuinely trying to dig up proof for their racist bible fanfic and a very serious theory is that the garden of eden was in missouri. the banning of polygamy genuinely devastated a number of people. pioneer stock mormons have the same 20 names bc they're all descended from rhe same old men and their forty child brides. where do i begin

what i look like whenever someone makes the mistake of mentioning mormons near me

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