And if the world was divided into seven glorious kingdoms? In which kingdom would you live?
- Cassiopeia [ Dong Bang Shin Ki ]
- Changjo [ Shinhwa ]
- VIP [ Big Bang ]
- White Angels [ H.O.T ]
- Shapley [ The Grace ]
- Everlasting Friends [ Super Junior ]
- Triple S [ SS501 ]
The perfect way to make a grand exit [x]
Yuzuru Hanyu Ballade no 1 || NHK Trophy 2015 - 106.33 New World Record
shivers indeed brian because yuzu just set two more world records
Yuzuru Hanyu + Breaking all the world records! - NHK Trophy 2015
“If you cannot do it, practice until you can do it.”
“If you can do it, then practice till you can do it perfectly.”
“If you can do it perfectly, then practice until you can do it perfectly every time”
- Yuzuru Hanyu
Yuzuru’s Evolution of the Quadruple Salchow. Who would have thought that the nightmare jump at the Olympics would turn into his money jump!
GIF Credits:
1st: sorry, I couldn’t find the owner, please tell me (Skate America 2012)
2nd: @anniesgifs (GPF 2014)
3rd: @yuzu-of-the-opera (NHK Trophy 2015)
Yixing’s ment at Exoluxion in Macau
You have never failed to bring up EXO in every one of your solo activities, every interview you do, every bit of exposure you get. Your name is always attached to EXO every chance you have. Your personal awards and victories are always shared with your group. Not once have you been selfish. You are single-handedly doing in China what 6 people were meant to do from the beginning, the very purpose for which EXO-M was created. Even with a severe eye infection, wearing shades that reduce your visibility, you performed with EXO. You always remember to promote your members in China, telling everyone Sehun has been working hard in Mandarin, Chanyeol’s filming a Chinese movie. You don’t need to apologise; those who understand you have never needed an apology (:
Unknown, (via kushandwizdom)
Unknown (via wordsnquotes)
Unknown, (via kushandwizdom)