Hello everyone!
Mod Ash and I would like to announce that we are retiring as moderators of the KuroDai Week Blog. It’s truly our honor to have hosted the events for the past few years and see how the community grew and shared their creations to help spread our collective love for KuroDai, and we would like to thank everyone for your endless support and enthusiastic participation. It’s because of everyone that we made it this far.
But fear not! This doesn’t mean that the KuroDai Week blog will not host events anymore. We would like to introduce the new mod, Mod Sans! She’ll be taking over and we couldn’t be happier to leave the blog in her good and capable hands.
That said, please look out for the grand event she’s preparing for the upcoming KuroDai Week this year!
Once again, thank you very much!
Until next time~
With love,
Mod Spring 🌺