The positive chaos she has brought to the house has honestly been rejuvinating. It's nice to have routine broken up by something good and fun, instead of potentially devastating u_u
My two older gals are doing okay with it. One gal is getting pretty danged energized! The other is having a terrible time lol. But we recently learned she hasn't been feeling well, so that explains it. And speaking of: went on a quest to get any food my newly diagnosed 13 year old Kidney Kitty will eat, and boy has that been a freakin' journey. It turned into an evening long debacle that's definitely going to extend into tomorrow because the vet will be getting a "she can't fucking starve to death, what other options are there" call if Cranky doesn't eat her Expensive Prescription food mixed with some of her favorite Shit Ass food.
Now I'm having what I consider a WELL deserved Halloween drink, on one of my very few nights alone in the house (well. Alone as you can be with three cats, one of whom stampeding through every room.) So I'm gonne enjoy this shit.