go is a doply complex strategic gwame, famously far more complicated than chess, with [the hypnosis activates], [for the next 30 seconds i believe i am a honeybee navigating a field of flowers]
i feel like this is exactly how i sound when i post on here
"killing billionaires wont solve the problem of wealth inequality" no but killing elon musk would solve the problem of elon musk
curly talks
Can you please put one of Pangur's many tiny hats on Belphie?
he said no
I won't admit how long it took me to realize that an angry squinty vulture was NOT photobombing the boy
Me, a rainbow trout swimming in a pond: today is such a beautiful day, I think I’ll float up to the surface and bask a little
The villainous ace of spades:
she touch my yippee till i yay
It is what it is but like. Can it be something else
Please stop he is drowning.....
Gone forever
Cannibalism as a metaphor for I Was Hungry
Cannibalism as a metaphor for. Dinnar.
Cannibalism as a metaphor for when you're stuck in a lifeboat and your buddy starts looking a lot like a hamburger
never forget the universal rule of the order of things: People Will Not Read It
signs at stores? émail? menu ?? instruction ? post online ? caption with andswer to question ? group hand outs ??? street sign ??? no. The Written Word Is The Enemy
americans are making this post about their shit education system and the literacy crisis whatever that is and i say this with love in my heart: it really is not that deep. pathology this pathologizing that. how about the universal human inclination to take da Path of least resistance