why does thrawn’s face look like that
This one person's phone went off in class with a Dalek ringtone, and our professor said something like "See, there's another reason I like [person]. Do you all know what Daleks are? Oh, Margot knows. She knows all these kinds of things."
I've literally never spoken to this professor outside of class and don't own anything visibly fandom-y, so how does he come to this conclusion
Ahh, just love when they start playing Duel of the Fates
Kink memes are wretched hives of scum and villainy
If I read one more fic trying to portray Watto in a positive light I'm going to scream
Jedi Apprentice: The Threat Within - Jude Watson
Look, Obi-Wan, you can describe Quermians as having a commanding presence all you like but they still look like this
I can’t believe I’m being forced to watch Jar Jar have romantic scenes
Instead of posting a review of the first book in Peter David’s Centauri trilogy, I’ve decided to make a collage of the highlights
Hamilton with satisfied (only if you feel like it; I just couldn't resist ^^)
“Don’t you ever think I just peeled your skin, I will always eat you!”
“John, we need to talk about this.”
“I have to get out. But I have to be sure I save face. I said I would stay with you until they released you. So how can I?” “Leave it to me.”
Babylon 5 - 5x18 Movements of Fire and Shadow
papioanubis said: VIIIIIIIIRRR
I don’t even know