Tumblr is such a fuckin' toxic place. It has bred a deeply problematic Cancel Culture, in which no one is ever allowed to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow. Instead everyone wants to immediately jetison anyone that shows even a slight issue - condeming without just cause more often than not. And its not just Tumblr. It's seeped out like a rotting disease into the rest of the social media platforms. It's not healthy, and it's not social justice. In fact the vapid and shallow nature of this Cancellation Culture makes a mockery of real cries for justice and social change.
Get your act together. Educate yourselves, and use some common sense. Don't immediately rise to arms over tiny issues. Get angry about the real things. Get angry about all the toxic masculinity, the child abusers, the white supremecy, the oppression of marginalized groups, the rampant systemic racism, and all the other very real problems in the world. Don't trip over the small things you think you've found, and don't dig at the bottom of the barrel to create non-existent issues.
If you expect anyone to be perfectly infallible you will be disappointed every time. No one on Earth is perfect, not a single person, and part of being human is being flawed. The human experience is about making mistakes and learning from them, it's about growing.
This Cancel Culture is how They divide us and keep us down. It's how we prevent ourselves from truly growing and improving.
Be better.