So here we go with first day of Marissonshipping week with First Date.
[ Shigeru*Satoshi ]
。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ(‘ㅁ’ )
「 I’ve missed you….!」
Head-Canon: Once they reach their adult heights, Ash actually turns out to be taller than Misty but it’s close enough that she absolutely refuses to accept it as fact (at least not publicly). During various arguments about the subject, she blames the height difference on anything from hair, shoes, incorrect measuring equipment, barometric pressure warping the floor ever so slightly….basically, there is no evidence you can present to make her change her tune. She’s fully aware the excuses she makes can be ridiculous, but watching Ash struggle with the fact that he knows he technically is taller, but can’t really get any joy out of it as long as she keeps completely denying it, is just to darn fun and she can’t help herself.
For similar reasons, she makes a point of wearing the highest of heels/wedge-shoes on most occasions she’s expecting to see him, cheerfully playing it off as a purely innocent fashion choice
also wanted to practice drawing lil kids so heres some baby brockolis idk
My part of the Comashipping SS for Hayley. I hope you like it! >w<