The pettiness is just 👌😂
Sound on! Sound on!
He has since begun getting past the defensiveness and actually talking to people on the left to learn their perspective, and is openly admitting that no, if this hadn't happened to him, he wouldn't have considered our side of things, and that's wrong.
Love me some schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but we actually WANT these people to finally blink and go "oh shit wait, maybe I should move LEFT".
Bc the more we have on our side (esp ppl who can say they left MAGA and finally understand how culty it was, how bigotry is wrong, etc), the more resources we have with which to apply pressure and intimidation to these fucking fascists.
i can't stop watching this
This band is The Hu! Mongolian metal. Absolute favorite.
Do yourself a favor and at least give their song Wolf Totem a listen.
Treat yo’self!
The Hu!!! I love these guys! I'm on mobile so I can't link right now but highly recommend their song Yuve Yuve Yu, it's so good!!
in honor of season 3 of game changer airing, i’ve clipped brennan’s fully buckwild monologue from the final episode of season 2
This whole episode is amazing because you watch Brenan, who has arguably won the most games of any College Humor cast member and is quite intelligent, lose his fucking mind as he fails to guess “yes or no” correctly to every question. It gets funnier as Zac and Ally got crowns for figuring the game out first.
And, yes, the premise of the game was “guess yes or no and if you’re answer matches Brenan, you’re wrong because Brenan can not win.”
this is my favourite video rn btw
The name's not even a joke xD
"Bin", means "from", so he's just called "John from London" in arabic.
hello adam savage calling the mythbusters "ambiguously gay weirdos"
If I tell you this is a horror dance number it still won't prepare you. That last move was so terrifying even the judge was like "Let go! Let go!" If you told me they're actually possessed I'd believe you.
One of the most perfectly choreographed and executed dances I have ever seen and comes closest to Shobana's original performance in Manichitrathazhu. Incredible!
Two putonghua (standard Mandarin) speakers
English added by me :)
This is what uni is like ngl
Audio transcript:
[The Skyrim soundtrack plays over the background of the entire video]
Blond person with glasses: "Have you seen the new assignments on Blackboard? Our professors are trying to kill us!"
Person with brown stubble: "Have you seen Jessica's alcohol stash? It is incredible!"
Person in striped hoodie: "Welcome, stranger! Have a delicious meal!"
Person walking from elevator: "The lines at the cafeterias were unbelievable!"
Person bumping into bucket: "So which frat are you rushing?"
End transcript.
Spread this video
spread this video for awareness.
to me it's counter intuitive that little person and dwarf are more acceptable so it's really helpful to know.
also spread this video to appreciate the fucking killer mustache on that one guy in the suit. holy shit, it's like a work of art.
i can’t stop watching this