@kradenine gets to be my first real human #mcm because he's just too adorable, sweet, looks cute af in my kigurumi, and gives the best cuddles in the whole world ♡ Can't wait to cosplay Rinoa to his Squall at AnimeBoston with @krabbycrabtastic and @jstndstrctn~~ #rilakkuma #kigurumi
YOU GUYS. I WANT THIS SOOOOOO BAD, I LOVE SPYRO #spyro #spyrothedragon #nostalgia #childhood #dragon #lizard #anime #manga #videogames #otaku #kigurumi #cosplay #onesie #pajamas #japanese
I just want a friend who would come over so we can watch anime in our kigurumis and have snacks and maybe play some video games and cook and go on adventures but I'm awkward and shy so I just come on here and reblog stuff
Finally got a Rilakkuma Kigurumi! (/^o^)/ #rilakkuma #kigurumi #animenext #pajamas #anime #manga #videogame #otaku #kawaii #kuma #bear #teddie