I was about to faint when I was on a walk so I decided that I was gonna eat a fruit or something when I got home but by the time I was back, I just drank a big glass of water and rested for a bit and now I feel better.
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When I was at my lowest weight I had skinny arms and thin legs but a bloated stomach and no muscles whatsoever.
This time I will do better, I’ll work out, not restrict too much and hopefully get a fit figure that stays that way.
It doesn’t matter what or how little I eat, I always feel gross and like I ate too much.
I’ve grown to hate socializing because it often involves food. Why do we need to eat when we hang out? Why can’t we go on a walk or something instead?
I’ve decided that I’ll exercise in some way each day, even if it means I only go for a quick 30 min walk (because that is better than doing nothing!). I’m thinking walks, workouts at home, go to the gym, go out jogging, whatever really.
Before I have only been training sporadically but this rule will help me get into a habit. Hopefully I’ll be able to increase weights/etc if I keep this up.