somewhereinmalta reblogged
As Maurice at ATS is over, I guess now’s the time to scan and share these, especially as the programme sold out by the end of the run:
Maurice at Above the Stag Theatre, London (12 Sep–21 Oct 2018): rehearsal shots from the programme
Clockwise from top L: Max Keeble (Clive) & Tom Joyner (Maurice), Lily Knight (here, Anne Durham; also played Ada Hall), Crispin Redman (Mr Ducie & Rev Borenius), Tom Elliot Reade (Risley) & Leo Turner (Alec), Daniel Goode (Dr Barry & Lasker Jones), Kathyn Worth (here, Mrs Hall; also played Mrs Durham, Mrs Scudder and Mrs Ducie) & Tom Joyner (teenage Maurice learning that George the ‘garden boy’ has been sent away).