#donald trump white supremacist – @somerandomg33k on Tumblr



They/He. Poly Sexual. GenderQueer/Demi-NonBinary/Man+ Inter-sectional Feminist. 36. LibSoc. Pop Culture Mage. I am a geek, from a family of geeks, raise on Monty Python, Star Trek, Star Wars and video games. I have over 2000 video games. I love good Anime and I am a sometimes movie geek.

Something Steve Shives said about not burning out gave me something to say.  Wall of text incoming: I want to comment on the not burning out thing. I have to remember to not burning out in my activism. I want Capitalism to End. Because workers are alienated from their labor, alienated from themselves, alienated from others, and alienated from society/the world, they feel they don't have to control over their labor, their lives, their environment. For the 99%, all workers never have control or influence at their workplace. We have to listen to our bosses, do exactly what they do tell us to do because of the threat of losing our job and thus having the threat of poverty. Because of this feeling of lack of control, this alienation, many feel the need to take control of something. To take back control. Especially when media informs CisHet White Men or enforces a world view that they must be the man of the house. They must be in-charged. And if these CisHet White Men fall into the rabbit hole of Toxic Masculinity, they could see the gun as an extension of themselves, extension of their manhood, instead of just a tool for protection. Then again, as a CisHet White Man, what does he need protection from? And because he feels that take back some control, and 'be a man', he must do something about the problem. What is the problem? He doesn't know, hasn't realized, and/or been feed propaganda his whole life that Capitalism is good, it works, you could be rich too, but the foreign people are taking your jobs. Or Another group, that have been othered, is the problem. It is not your fault and it is certainly not the fault of the system of Capitalism either, for sure. All of which, as well as many many reasons, like the war on the poor, is why I want Capitalism to end. And I could very easily rally myself into a rage just thinking about the ills of Capitalism and how many bootlickers there are that will say Capitalism is a good thing or, "Capitalism just needs to be regulated and reformed." "The ills of Capitalism isn't Capitalism. It is Corpitism." I can easily anger myself over just how many many of my friends have to e-beg online in order to live. I can honestly just burn myself out by just thinking how to end Capitalism or WHY HAVEN'T END CAPITALISM ALREADY! So yes, I have to worry about burn out from thinking. The stress of wanting to improve the world greatly. But have to fight against who will say wanting to live in an Anarchist/Socialist/Communist world is "Magical Thinking". I also have to fight against Fascist and Nazis who want my friends and comrade died. I have to fight and argue against the whole world. And I can easily burn myself out by just always thinking about this and many things related to this. In the movie Pride, a great movie about Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) in London who crowdfund and gave money to the striking miners in 1984-85 Margett Tratcher UK, the main activist Mark said, "Don't give 100% of yourself to the cause. Left some of yourself at home. If you devote all of yourself, you could lose all of yourself." I am paraphrasing but I think people get the idea.

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