Samus from Friday at PAX South! I have so many pictures from this weekend, but this is one of my favorites. Photo by @shotbyfinnegan #cosplay #samusaran #zerosuit #metroid #paxsouth
Title: Fan Art Friday: Samus Aran Medium: Photoshop CS6 Scale: Original is 12.5" x 18.75" Notes: I did a demo recently all about my digital painting process. Hopefully the few that came to see it actually learned a thing or two. I took a vote a few days beforehand and let them just build up (unfortunately it was a small audience I suppose) and between some of the prospects, Samus managed to win out. Other awesome options were Luna Lovegood, LeeLoo (5th element), even Xena! (Which I want to do all of the ones that were asked, but in time I’m sure…) We went through my entire painting process - albeit quickly because it was for a lunch demo - it enhances my policy of ‘teach what you’ve learned to others’ that so many others passed onto me when I first started.
@Sketch_dailies - Metroid’s Samus Aran… #Sketch_dailies #SamusAran #metroid