the Adam Kovic situation ; a “brief” summary
A few things to mention before I start this post:
1) if it comes out that something I have said here is wrong, I will edit it and reblog the new version, because I am still waiting for official statements. i am not doing this to ruin his career, i am simply compiling all the information i have found after scrolling multiple 4chan boards and other forums so you don’t have to.
2) there will be NSFW content in this post, if you are under 18 please do not open the read more, i’m sorry, the tl;dr for you is adam kovic was seemingly catfished by someone (of age, there is no grooming accusations at this point) and a google drive of 4gb of photos/videos (some of which are believed to have been taken at the funhaus office) was released.
3) i will not be linking the google drive in this post as i do not want to risk any minors going to it.
4) i will be making one about the ryan situation too but that situation is still evolving.
okay now onto the actual summary, in which i am assuming you already know who adam kovic is