You've got to join the IWW
I'm not saying you should be a guns blazing organizer
1. The best organizers are lowkey up to the last second
2. If you're afraid, if you're tired, there is a bare minimum option
Sign up, get looped in with your local, pay your dues into the branch and get a free training.
Now you've got one job, you need to get your coworkers worries and their contact info.
Sues got a bad back and needs more breaks n others do. Sammy takes three buses to work each day and can't have last minute schedule changes. Saul frankly checked out from the world years ago, but you built up some rapport.
And you have their phone numbers/emails
You've at this point risked bubkis more than you would otherwise, and have been paying into your branches relief funds all this time (6 to 33 dollars a month sliding scale, Upstate NY has additional options for itinerant workers and those in crisis)
The day things get intolerable. Management change, lay offs, sexual harassment or assault from management, twelve hour days, or just one issue too many
You have a much better chance of running a safe and effective campaign than if you did nothing and have better odds of weathering the crisis that went too far for you to take.
Anyone in the Northeast United States hit us up on our site or email [email protected] to get directed to your nearest branch. All other workers worldwide there are IWW or CNT unions almost everywhere and we can help you track one down.
If you are not ready to join our UK branches have put together a written guide and our twin cities branch has put together a very helpful and bluntly honest reading we have all new members read
You can also reach us by mail at PO Box 77 Altamont NY 12009
Request free stickers if you have a NY, VT, or Western Mass address
DM me for discounted CD's of labor songs in English, Yiddish and Spanish, or to pick up 4 dollar press stamps to support our North American publications
We also have an audio version of Weakening the Dam available now.