i always wanted to send you a letter, but only to tell you how unlovable you made me feel. i’m still trying to shake off this feeling years later.
obsessed with this place
a dreamy sensation listening to ribs on vinyl 📀
ig: iced.coffee
Harold M. Lambert
Three Deers Laying Down In Snowy Forest In Winter, 1940
beautiful day out with friends
Sadé: Love Deluxe (1992)
being alive is like,, being so full of love and so full of loss at the same time. a lot to carry around either way.
sunlight moments
Carnival of Souls (1962) dir. Herk Harvey
btw you will miss this in 5 or 10 years. memory will smooth these circumstances down like a river stone, and you will find yourself longing for a shade of light or a moment of this particular innocence. you don't know about what happens next, and one day that will be the most alluring thing of all. don't leave it all for nostalgia. have a nice night now, whatever night it happens to be.
the only way to get what you want is to be brave enough to move towards it. if there is a willingness to be momentarily uncomfortable in order to live the life that calls from your heart then fear loses much of its claim over you and your decisions
'Autumn Evening with Rider'. Franz von Stuck. 1893.
Katie’s cake 🍇
Home has felt especially warm lately
happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness
chuang tzu