A heart’s a heavy burden to bear
Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
Howl's moving castle (2004)
movie vs book (i adore them both)
How could you leave this in the notes, excellent addition
Go ahead, choose your Howl.
you who swallowed a falling star o’ heartless man ....
Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
STUDIO GHIBLI + NIGHT 🌙 Spirited Away | Howl’s Moving Castle Princess Mononoke — part l / part ll
saw a post a while back about Sophie making increasingly gaudy hats for Howl for every birthday and him absolutely loving them
catch a falling star
on the topic of hmc i always felt bad for markl when howl was losing it over his hair like poor kids standing there with the exact same hair color
I’m Mr. Pendragon’s right-hand arm man I’m Mr. Pendragon’s everything I’m his confidant, his best friend, his silly rabbit
Cover and interior illustrations for Diana Wynne Jones’ Howl’s Moving Castle. Available as prints on INPRNT
Sophie but she’s Desi ♡
finally watched howl’s moving castle
I keep seeing posts about the differences between the book and the Ghibli adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle, and honestly there's a totally charming interview with Diana Wynne-Jones at the end of the kindle edition about how it worked :)
on purpose on purpose
one thing you can always count on is that hearts change.
Howl’s Moving Castle 「ハウルの動く城」 (2004• ) dir. Hayao Miyazaki.