@sky-fire-forever on Tumblr

Choose to be Kind


Pfp by @prydon. Writer, Barista, and Book Seller. Second Generation Queer. 22 Years Old. Current Hyperfixation(s): Jesus Christ Superstar


You can call me SkyFire or Dennis. I'm twenty-two years old. My pronouns are he/it.

Current hyperfixations include: Jesus Christ Superstar

Current interests include: Wicked (the musical and book), Epic the Musical, Avatar the Last Airbender, Dragon Age

Special interests include: Arthurian Legend, Dragon Age

My selfies are tagged "dennis dress up", my personal posts are tagged "dennis speaks", my vent posts are tagged "dennis vents", and my writing is tagged "dennis writes"

I write fanfic, original stuff, and poetry!

Ask me about my OCs, I have so many.

My AO3:

My Dragon Age Drunk Writing Prompt List:


Can't be sincerely dark without being called edgy, can't be sincerely emotional without being called melodramatic, can't be sincerely silly without being called stupid. They're gonna hate every emotion you put in your art no matter what so make it anyway and be as sincere as you can be


Collection of JCS thoughts that are arising from me finally writing my thesis:

  • Musical Theme of Accusation ("woman, your fine ointment"/"Surely you're not saying" etc during Everything's Alright) is picked up by Jesus again during The Last Supper: "I must be mad, thinking I'll be remembered..."
  • Public persona Jesus (all cheer and hope and Good) vs Private persona Jesus (melancholy, pessimistic stress response) vs Core Jesus (still full of fucking hope until gethsemane which we don't know except for the implications of Gethsemane itself being the point where he loses/gives up that hope)
  • Private Pilate (Pilate's dream, gentle acoustic guitar) vs Public Pilate (1 minute brass fanfare before Pilate and Christ WHICH ALSO BTW roughly follows the structure of the Theme of Accusation)
  • The silence after Judas arrives at the Garden at the beginning of The Arrest. Theres just the two of them, the intimacy of the Kiss (tm) is entirely preserved, no music accompanying that moment. Just. The visceral Cut that that moment is.
  • Judas is so relentlessly convinced of Jesus' humanity, still all but praying to him in Judas' Death (Christ, I know you cant hear me)
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