we have GOT to bring back campy horny grimy tactile scifi. this is a national fucking emergency
I've never forgotten this bit from Brunching.com's dinosaur reviews back in 2002
imagine how much more fucked up the history of the world would be if eating someone's brains reliably conferred on you their memory and knowledge
this is absolutely sending me
What a way to find out that you’re a vampire
Ideal work schedule:
- I show up and am given a list of cognitively engaging but achievable tasks
- I complete the list
- I leave immedietly
Yeah this can't be left in the notes
hush little baby dont you cry. mamas gonna buy you a big horse fly. and if that big horse fly dont fly. mamas gonna buy you another horse fly
[club mix] another horse fly. another horse fly
i’m gonna tjrowbip
Smoking on that we'd
there are many unexpected hierarchies to being a marine biologist
going through divorce with the entity in my head