Let me guess what your evening has in store. You’re gonna go home to your spotless, minimalist flat. Steamed fish, then brush up on your Ukrainian economic history, a quick thousand abdominal crunches, and then your usual, what, three hours sleep? Guess I must be pretty easy to read.
skatingthinandice reblogged
Dimitri: Why do we do it? Erin: Huh? Dimitri: This job. Erin: [smiling] You first. Dimitri: I actually enjoy it, but…there’s probably something wrong with me. Erin: [laughing] Probably? Dimitri: [laughing] Let me guess what your evening has in store: you’re going to go home to your spotless, minimalist flat; steamed fish, then brush up on your Ukrainian economic history, a quick thousand abdominal crunches, and then your usual…what? Three hours sleep? Erin: [smiling] Guess I must be pretty easy to read.