How do I change my mindset? I feel I have a very negative way of thinking and I really want to change it but I have no idea where to start, thank you :)
Change your environment, change your habits, change your choices and worldview. Change any of these but make a change.
Make the conscious choice that you are shifting your mindset from a negative one of limited beliefs, to a positive one where anything is possible. Affirm it out loud! If you don't feel it as true yet, keep repeating it aloud until it starts feeling true, until your subsconscious has no choice but accept it as reality.
Positive affirmations I find are the key in this stage. You have to rewire your thinking to release those old, outdated beliefs and replace them with new ones. And all of that begins when you set the intention, consciously and subconsciously, to manifest that shift in your life.
For more inspiration on this, I highly recommend Marissa Peer's books or even any of her videos on Youtube, you will see just how powerful positive affirmations (essentially NLP - Neuro-lingvistic programming) are for improving your life, your mindset, healing, attracting success and then some.
Likewise, this mindset shift must contain one thing in order to be truly successful: understand that you are worthy of love ❤️ that you deserve wonderful things, that you deserve better things. Assimilate that truth, bask in it much like a cat in the sun, and you will see how that simple little truth changes your life.
Much love,