My Top Glow Up Tips
- Do it for you; not because of revenge glow up, not because you want them to regret losing you or any such reason. Do it for yourself because you're worth it.
- It takes time to go from point A to point B and that's okay. Don't expect change overnight.
- Remissions are normal. Falling off track is normal, you're only human. The important thing is you realize this, hold yourself accountable, and then get back up again.
- Consistency and determination are more important than motivation, which is just a temporary solution to help you get started.
- Know when to accept help, levelling up is not a journey you need to do alone.
- Be strategic about your level up journey. Create a plan, divide it into sections, then take it step by step. You can't tackle all areas at once.
- Every now and then, pause to celebrate your growth and congratulate yourself for all the hard work.
- Glowing up is not just a summer marathon (even though it can be, if that's all you need); it's a lifestyle and a lifelong mindset.
- Don't mind how other people are levelling up. The only person you should compare yourself with is your past self.
- True growth, when done right, includes discomfort. To admit your vices, your shortcomings. Holding yourself accountable. Choosing what is uncomfortable short-term, but which will be beneficial long-term. Stepping out of your comfort zone. Applying for a new job, changing your look, improving your mindset drastically. All of these things may feel challenging at first, simply because they're unfamiliar. Push through anyway.
- Don't go broke trying to look rich.
- The power of money is not in the products you buy, but the potential it has. Focus on the smart potential, not just in the flashy things which give you a rush.
- A holistic glow up includes improving your mindset regarding finances, and financial literacy. Abundance mindset > scarcity mindset. Everybody can win > why do they win and I don't. If they succeeded, I can too > why did they succeed and I didn't.
- You don't need a fortune in order to substantially improve your life. Your best resource is knowledge, the internet, and your mind. There are free ebooks, free articles, free videos online on every subject you can think of. If you're at the beginning, start there, and only afterwards start investing in more costly resources like courses, coaching/mentorships, etc.
- Never underestimate the power of gratitude journaling, positive affirmations, moodboards, and meditation. The key here is the Law of Attraction. Understand the simple principle of what you focus over = what you empower with energy = what manifests next in your reality. A crystal-clear vision of your ideal life has greater chance of becoming reality than a vague idea of "something better" that you never actually define.
- The most important foundation for leveling up your life will always start with your mindset. Until you have a solid foundation of an abundance mindset, confidence, self-worth, and awareness of "I'm worth it" and "I can and I will", everything else will be built on shaky ground and liable to fall apart.
- Everybody's journey is different, because everyone is different. Respect this truth and avoid casting judgement on seeing other people's attempts in glowing up, even if you think they're doing it wrong. Instead, be gracious and admire them for their dedication; either offer them guidance, or allow them to walk their own path.
- Less is more. When in doubt, remember that simple is better, and minimal is more classy (ex. a classic watch and simple necklace is always better than 10 jewelry items piled on to look expensive).
- You don't need the most expensive everything in order to look classy. You just need to look like you take care of your body, and wear quality items that look put together. They can be thrifted, on sale, inherited or whatever else, it doesn't matter; as long as they're in good condition with a cut and color that flatters you, you will look elegant.
- For emotional and mental level up, don't be afraid to reach out to a therapist/specialist. It is their job to help you work through any traumas, fears, challenges, childhood memories, etc. It really is okay, there's nothing taboo or strange about seeking professional help. It is one of the best investments you can make for your mental health. Talking about your inner world, your experiences and off-loading should be made into a frequent habit as it is healthy and necessary for your overall wellbeing. And sometimes, the support of family and friends is not enough.
- Don't get blinded by the polemics of "high value", "high caliber", etc. You will find as many definitions as there are people speaking of it. Being of high value simply means that you continuously invest in your happiness, health, education and self-development. It is not about some convoluted perception that other people have of what is a classy woman. Read more