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@sjoongki /

whisper of the heart ✿ #usersara

What really fucks me up seeing these horrific scenes from Gaza every single day for 400+ days is the fact that the only thing sustaining this genocide is US complicity. You can argue that there are other factors to this sure, but you cannot convince me that the unequivocal support of the US isn't the main hurdle to ending the bloodshed. Because without US weapons? Israel's genocide would have been cut short a long time ago. Without US funding? This genocide is not sustainable. Without the US vetoing ceasefire resolutions time and time again? This genocide would have ended last year. Without the US providing cover for Israel's war crimes providing it with unconditional impunity? Israel would not feel emboldened to commit war crimes on repeat and all the perpetrators would have faced consequences already.

This genocide is as much a US genocide as it is Israeli.


Hello everybody.

Please share resources and don’t keep silent about Palestine. Dedicate your day for them today. Do not ignore them, do not let their voices go unheard.

Here are some resources you can share around:

Please do not ignore this post, share as much information and resources as you can for Palestine.

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