some doodles of the clones bc i love them
I have quite a few gargoyles laying around apparently
important ones include Broadway, (everything he does is important) Angela imitating Brooklyn’s Gargoyle Stance, (she’s fascinated by the way the boys move around, since she and her siblings always just imitated their human parents) sad Lex, (idk why it just came out of my pen ya kno) Perhaps Otis Bronx, (if you know you know) and teen Broadway ready to fight someone who was making fun of Lex (I feel like due to his size, he was the protector of the Trio back when they were kids who didn’t really know how to fight yet. he’d just scoop them up and spread out his wings and growl and that would scare off smaller kids)
this is what happens when I'm thinking about gargoyles and hello kitty at the same time
never gonna finish rendering this so heres broadway carrying the boys home after a battle
After an eternity of hiatus,,,,, I bring you,,,,,,,,,, Brooklyn