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If sassy Paul go to school with you...

walk into your school like this…

Then take a photo for Paul’s instagram

music class

Dancing class

Lunch hour

“OMG! Paulie,Johnny is looking at you!”

“Paulie you are so CUTE”

“The Beatles is not talented!”

What about math?

Gossip time!

Jokes about something

“Paulie,Johnny wanna ask you out!”

And walk out of school like “BYE! Bitch!”

I want Paul McSassy to go to school with me!

how can you not love the sass


“Are you kidding? Of course I bloody miss it. I’m sitting in the room with John, him with me. Believe me, we’re both pretty good editors. We were young turks. We were smartasses. And we did some amazing things. I would love him to be here now, saying, ‘Don’t bloody do that!’ – or, more wonderfully, ‘That’s great!’ So yeah, I really had the greatest writing partner.” —Paul McCartney.

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