this shit is gold
@officialreigenfacts reigen, how do you do it?
Hah? Oh, the rasengan?
It’s all about chakra control and rotation. Please be mindful of it
Ah… that’s not quite what I meant. To specify- how are you so ugly?
Necromancer that doesn’t know they’re a necromancer and thinks they’re just a really good emt
That is the funniest thing i have ever read
Fkksjfjfjdjkdjdjs dfmf
every time you sneeze you steal it from someone else. theres only ever 1 sneeze in the world
if two people sneeze at the same time they’re borrowing the sneezes from each other very quickly
It’s like that electron thing
Its exactly like that electron thing
Mom said it’s my turn on the sneeze
i’m like a romanceable npc if you compliment me once per day for a week straight you unlock the dialogue option to marry me