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@shithitsmynipples /

He/him. Evan. I’m queer and dead and I’m over capitalist definitions of success.

So... I promised myself I was going to cut back on the politics posts, because I need to protect my mental peace. But this one...

ICE has reportedly been picking up members of the Navajo Nation, as well as members of other Native nations, in urban areas of Arizona and telling them that they do not accept either state IDs or Certificates of Indian Blood (CIBs) as proof of U.S. citizenship. ICE is detaining them as having no identifiable U.S. citizenship.

So, you know.... the actual, true native citizens of the soil we call the United States. Yeah.


You all need to hear this:

1. You probably dont suck at your craft as much as you think you do, I bet a lot of people are amazed at what you can make, and

2. If you actually are the Literal Worst In The Whole Wide World at your craft... who the fuck cares? What are they gonna do, call the police on you? Keep making your shitty little things, youre the boss of you, fuck the haters.


from Original Plumbing, a publication for and by transmasculine people.

What's your favorite part of being a transsexual?

"While I often wish I was born a bio boy and didn't have to go through all of this, it's more often that I find it a blessing to have lived and experienced both sides of life, sex and gender and get to play in-between. To have been a girl, a woman, a lesbian, a dyke, a tomboy, a 'questioning', a boy, and now a queer man is pretty amazing and fucking hot!"

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