I suppose all these self-isolating skills are finally finding a purpose in my life.
@shisasan / shisasan.tumblr.com
I suppose all these self-isolating skills are finally finding a purpose in my life.
The older I get the more I dislike mindless social interaction in large doses. When I socialize, I’m not looking for a way just to pass the time. I already have a full list of hobbies and interests and not enough hours in the day to enjoy them all. I love to listen to people and chime in with substantial information. And I can’t stand the stereotype such “introverts” prefer to “stay inside with a good book”. Sure, I do sometimes. I love to read, I love to write. (yes and writing crappy, terribly, that too! ^^) But I love to go to parties as well, I love to dance and yell and sing and live and adventure. Yet again, small talk without true connection somehow always leaves me feeling empty. It’s because I truly enjoy absorbing thoughts, ideas, imaginary and challenges from others constantly.
I deeply crave for a meaningful, enriching conversation and a true connection at all times.