shinaka reblogged
1. Yes it’s me. How did you know? :P hahaha Jokes aside, I think you’re exaggerating A LITTLE. There are hundreds of pokemon artists who are much more worth of this title than I am.
2. Difficult to draw -> too many ;_; this one is an example ^ Don’t like to draw… I don’t know… I think all of these magnemite-like pokemon, Mr Mime + pokemon with billion details you have to remember about >_< But there are many pokemon I have never drawn so I can’t tell if I like or not to draw them C:
shinaka reblogged
Level 1 Smeargle beats level 100 Arceus
what’s a god to a nonbeliever
who don’t believe in anything
shinaka reblogged
Pokemon x MS☆MM
I honestly hope these don’t stay as wips (´・ω・`)
shinaka reblogged
shinaka reblogged
Man, Pokemon went all acid trip during this sequence.