ポケモン詰め | クシャビリア☆ [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28204234
Battle Subway would like to congratulate Driftveil Gym’s Leader Clay for successfully taking over Unova’s airwaves with his hit single, “Driftveil Style.” Known as the “Underground Boss”, Clay is a huge figure in the construction and maintenance of the subway.
With its catchy tune,”Driftveil Style” quickly rose up the charts after it went viral in a matter of days. It replaced “DOGARS” by The Dogars as #1 in the charts, ending its 6 week streak of being the most popular song in the region.
Congratulations Gym Leader Clay! Please continue supporting his new music career.
Black and White 2: Unova Gym Leaders animated sprites
VS animations from Black2/White2 for the Unova Gym Leaders from the Pokémon World Tournament and their various gyms.
I didn’t make these, I’m just compiling them into one post.
People call Burgh a fag but he’s actually a genius pervert.
Well… at least you no longer have to battle him while drenched in honey…