攝影之聲 Voices of Photography Issue 13 : 抗議、行動與影像 Protests, Activism and Images 本期由郭力昕、張世倫、李威儀、廖偉棠、冨山由紀子、東方輝、港千尋、顧錚與伊妮絲築起筆陣,進入台灣、香港、中國與日本的反叛運動場景。我們試圖重回台灣黨外運動興起的70年代、街頭狂飆的80年代,直至2014年太陽花學運的佔領現場,在抗爭照片、影片與攝影書堆中,追尋抗議攝影與影像政治的軌跡;同時爬梳香港與日本社會運動與抗議攝影的發展歷程,並針對60年代在日本引發的大規模抗爭事件——「三里塚鬥爭」進行了抗議攝影書考;另外也從達達主義攝影蒙太奇,看影像藝術的政治反抗。這期也特別邀請三位戒嚴世代的資深攝影工作者——宋隆泉、蔡明德、許村旭——進行影像對談,重現他們在《自由時代》、《人間雜誌》等新聞媒體工作時期在街頭運動前線攝影的衝撞實況。而內頁夾帶的《SHOUT》,則收錄香港攝影師林亦非在台灣三月學潮裡對懸浮青春的影像素描。 在Artist’s Showcase單元,本期由張照堂書寫影像創作者葉清芳的狗眼人生,打開阿芳黃湯揮灑而自由放逐的私密暗箱;而Q單元則專訪著名的日本攝影書設計師町口覺、攝影家瀨戶正人與新加坡國際攝影節創辦人李錦麗,分別就攝影的編輯、創作和展覽進行對話;「台灣攝影史」連載則探查1870年代就在自拍的恆春首任知縣周有基的生平,以及台灣古早相館的命名典故;還有藝評家黃翰荻從鄧南光的鏡頭側寫,一探上世紀女性從20到60年代的歲月風華。 寫到這裡,不免發現編輯台又一次呈現被資料大規模轟炸的狀況。在工作期間的日與夜裡,我們與滿坑滿谷的影像文獻交談,與堆積如山的稿件版面作戰;透過照片穿越各個抗爭現場,看到那些曾在街頭激起的火花,又被重蹈覆轍的歷史泥浪淹沒覆蓋,令我們在理應充滿鬥志的編輯路途上,偶爾心情暗淡。 為了提振精神,這次破例在此點播一首收錄於楊祖珺1985年《大地是我的母親》專輯、由蔡式淵作詞、楊祖珺作曲的〈超級倒楣小市民〉給大家,這首歌30年依然不退流行,適合各世代闔家聆聽。保重。 「餿水牌沙拉油 毒玉米米酒 飼料牌奶粉 國民黨也要吃 袋鼠牌牛肉乾 黃樟素沙士 沒信用合作社 倒楣的小市民 我們還要衷心感謝他們 賜給我們核能電廠 有一天不必再煩惱 我們都上了天堂」 —————— 更多資訊 MORE 購買本期 BUY 訂閱 SUBSCRIBE —————— Collaboratively penned by Kuo Li-Hsin, Chang Shih-Lun, Lee Wei-I, Liao Wei-Tang, Tomiyama Yukiko, Akira Higashikata, Chihiro Minato, Gu Zheng and Agnès, this issue brings us into the scenes of movements in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Japan. We trace the trails of protest photography and image politics through revisiting the rise of Taiwanese social movements in the 70s, its flourishing in the 80s… all the way to the Sunflower Movement in 2014. At the same time, we look at the development of social movements and protest photography in Hong Kong and Japan, investigating the development of protest photobooks with a focus on the Sanrizuka Conflict, which sparked off large scale protests in Japan in the 60s. Also, we explore the political revolt of image arts from the point of view of Dadaism photomontage. We invited three experienced photographers from the martial laws era —Song Lung-Chuan, Tsai Ming-De and Hsu Tsun-Hsu— to a discussion on their photographs as frontline photojournalists covering street movements. As for the SHOUT insert in this issue, photographer Lam Yik-Fei from Hong Kong presents youth and uncertainty with snapshots taken during the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan this past March. In the Artist’s Showcase, Chang Chao-Tang introduces to us the life and works of the late photographer Yeh Ching Fang, allowing us a peek into his personal black box; Q features the well-known Japanese photobook designer Machiguchi Satoshi, photographer Seto Masato and the curator of Singapore International Photography Festival Gwen Lee, who shares with us the design, layout, creation and exhibition of photographs respectively. In the Taiwanese Photography History series, we investigate the naming allusions of early Taiwanese photo studios and the life of the first governer of Heng Chun, Prefect Zhou Youji, who already took selfies way back in 1870s; art critic Huang Han-Di also explores the beauty and elegance of women in 1920s -1960s through the images of Deng Nan-Guang. We realized, at this point, that Once again the editorial desk has been again overloaded with a huge amount of reference materials. Night and day, we bury ourselves in the sea of images and documents, examining photographs of battles and the displays of passionate beliefs on the streets, which were drowned time and again by the tides of time and history. Such realization occasionally dampened our fighting spirit, which is —supposedly— strong and relentless. In order to boost our spirit, we have made an exception in dedicating a song here: The Ill-fated Citizens from the album The Earth is My Mother (1985) by TC Yang, written by TC Yang and Cai Shirun. After three decades, this song is still relevant and suitable for all ages. "Cooking oil made from leftover food, rice wine made from toxic corn Powdered milk made from animal feed, which the KMT themselves all need to eat too Beef jerky made from kangaroo meat, root beer with safrole Co-ops with no credit Ill-fated citizens We should also sincerely thank them For giving us nuclear power plants For one day we won’t need to worry anymore As we’ll all go to heaven together”
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Protesters outside the Legistlative Yuan of Taiwan, 2014.
Protester occupying the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan, 2014.
photo by Etang Chen
Source: etangchen.com
Protester occupying the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan, 2014.
photo by Etang Chen
Source: etangchen.com
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Protesters attacked by water cannon during their occupation of Executive Yuan of Taiwan, 2014.
Source: kouple.smugmug.com
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太陽花/立法院_2014 by 顏才琦 (Tsai Chi Yen ) on Flickr.
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太陽花_立法院_2014 by 顏才琦 (Tsai Chi Yen ) on Flickr.
A Protester sleeps under the banner of sunflower during the occupation of Legislative Yuan of Taiwan, 2014.
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太陽花/行政院之夜_2014 by 顏才琦 (Tsai Chi Yen ) on Flickr.
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Salute to Cheng Nan-jung
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07-IMG_2347 by coolloud on Flickr.
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be brave.
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2014|0411|11:01 PM (在 臺北市政府警察局中正第一分局)
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