#swearing – @shewhoworshipscarlin on Tumblr

The Me I Saw

@shewhoworshipscarlin /

A mixture between my two loves: Antique and vintage fashion, and comedian George Carlin.
And people much wiser have said “I’d rather have my son watch a film with two people making love, than two people trying to kill one another.” And I, of course, can agree, it’s a great sentiment, I wish I knew who said it first, and I agree with that. But I’d like to take it a step further. I’d like to substitute the word fuck for the word kill in all those movie clichés we grew up with, right? “Okay, Sheriff, we’re gonna fuck ya now, but we’re gonna fuck ya slow.” So maybe next year I’ll have a whole fucking rap on that word. I hope so.

George Carlin

Two of the other four letter, Anglo-Saxon words are piss and cunt, which go together, of course, but forget that. A little accidental humor I’ve thrown in. Piss and cunt. The reason piss and cunt are on the list is that a long time ago, certain ladies said, “those are the two I’m not going to say. I don’t mind fuck and shit, but P and C are out. P and C are out.” Which led to such stupid sentences as, “Okay, you fuckers, I’m going to tinkle now.”

George Carlin

But I mean, that word does not belong on the list! Actually, none of the words *belong* on the list, but you can understand why some of them are there. I’m not completely insensitive to people’s feelings. I can dig why some of those words got on the list. Like cocksucker and motherfucker. Those are heavyweight words! There’s a lot going on there, man. Besides the literal translation, and the emotional feeling, they’re just busy words. There’s a lot of syllables to contend with. And those ‘k’s’, those regressive sounds, they jump out at you--coCKsuCker, motherfuCKer, coCKsuCker, motherfuCKer! It’s like an assault on you. So I can dig that.

George Carlin

That’s what they told us they were, remember? “That’s a bad word!” *whines*No bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions. And words. You know the seven, don’t ya? That you can’t say on television? Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that will infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war.

George Carlin

Here are some more people who oughta be smashed across the face repeatedly with a piece of heavy mining equipment. These grown men-grown men-who refer to their fathers as “mah daddy.” You know? Yeah, you hear a lot of this stupid shit in the South. These Rebel assholes. “Mah daddy, mah daddy, mah daddy. Yeah, well you know mah daddy used to say—mah daddy used to say blah blabbita da blabbita da da blabbita blabbita da da.” “Oh he did, did he? Well wadn’t that fuckin’ enlightening. My daddy used to say ‘FUCK YOUR DADDY. Fuck your daddy, in his wrinkled, rustic, rural, country asshole.” Grow up, Billy-Joe-Carl-Bob-Danny-Frank, you’re not six anymore…more like nine.

George Carlin

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