#nature – @shewhoworshipscarlin on Tumblr

The Me I Saw

@shewhoworshipscarlin /

A mixture between my two loves: Antique and vintage fashion, and comedian George Carlin.

This is me. This is me in all my goofy glory. I’m standing next to a tree that was chewed by a beaver, but never finished, so it healed itself. I’m not skinny, I’m not the ideal version of beauty. I don’t even consider myself attractive (most times just ugly). But I was happy that day. My boyfriend wanted to take my picture. 

I posted this because 1) It’s one of only a dozen pictures I think I look good in. 2) It’s a cool tree. 3) All of you as my followers don’t know much about me. I’m not very personal on my blog because  I don’t think I should bother you with my problems when you come here for the clothes. But I’m not a robot, I spent time adding all of these pictures to my folders. I have over 10,000 pictures of antique fashion that I’ve collected on my computer just because I love sharing them with you all. 

Yes those are Hogwarts leggings I’m wearing. With a local dirt car racer’s hoodie. I will never be able to wear clothes that look like what I post. But that doesn’t stop me from loving them, and posting them for all 13000+ of you to see.

This is me.

And while they're showing all that shit on the screen, the announcer is saying to me, "It's been raining steadily for three months now. The ground can't hold any more water. The river is cresting higher than it has in two centuries. The levies have washed away" and I just hope it keeps raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and it rains steadily for five years.

George Carlin

There's no learning curve with these people. It's very hard to feel sorry for them. Every year same people. Same rowboats. Out there paddling around, rescuing a chicken. What the fuck kind of a life is that? "Well. Our kids love it here." Oh, really. What do they got, gills?

George Carlin

They will not fuckin’ move. They repaint, put down new carpeting and wallpaper and they move right back into the same fuckin’ house on the flood plain next to the river and then they wonder why grandma's floating downstream with a parakeet on her head. Fourth time. Again. Fourth fuckin’ time.

George Carlin

You know something else I like? Those spring floods in the Midwest. Aren't they great? Like clockwork. Spring floods in the Midwest. But I'm starting to notice, I'm starting to catch on that every year it's the same story. Another flood in the same place with the same people on the same river. Same fuckin’ people! And these people do not move.

George Carlin

When you see a big fire on TV, don't you hope it spreads? Don't you hope it gets completely out of control and burns down six counties? You don't root for a fireman, do you? I mean I don't want him to get hurt or nothin' but I don't want him putting out my fire. That's my fire. That's nature showing off and having fun. I like fires.

George Carlin

I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing whether it's natural or man made. I always hope it gets worse. Don't you? Don't you? Don't you have a part of you, a part of you that secretly hopes everything gets worse?

George Carlin

Oh. When nature's going crazy, throwing things around, scaring people and destroying property, I'm a happy fuckin’ guy. I'm a happy fuckin’ guy. I look at it this way, for centuries now man has done everything he can to destroy, defile and interfere with nature. Clear-cutting forests, strip-mining mountains, poisoning the atmosphere, over fishing the oceans, polluting the rivers and lakes. Destroying wetlands and aquifers. So when nature strikes back and smacks man in the head and kicks him in the nuts. I enjoy that.

George Carlin

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