#clouds – @shewhoworshipscarlin on Tumblr

The Me I Saw

@shewhoworshipscarlin /

A mixture between my two loves: Antique and vintage fashion, and comedian George Carlin.

Seven Things I’m Tired Of (Part 5)

I’ve also grown weary of reading about clouds in a book. Doesn’t this piss you off? You’re reading a nice story, and suddenly the writer has to stop and describe the clouds. Who cares? I’ll bet you anything I can write a decent novel, with a good, entertaining story, and never once mention the clouds. Really! Every book you read, if there’s an outdoor scene, and open window, or even a door slightly ajar, the writer has to say, “As Bo and Velma walked along the shore, the clouds hung ponderously on the horizon like steel-gray, loosely formed gorilla turds.” I’m not interested. Skip the clouds and get to the fucking. The only story I know of where clouds were important was Noah’s Ark.

-George Carlin

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