Soldier crab (Mictyris longicarpus)
All of my Shark Talk GIFs~!
Bonus (Drawn response: Shark Sushi)
All of my Shark Talk links~!
There are 12 Shark Talks in my blog~!
I am a walking epaulette shark~! 我係行路的肩章鯊!
Name: Epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) Conservation status: IUCN Red List: Least Concern
"My speciality is walking on the seafloor."
Can you see the epaulette near my pectoral fin? That’s how I have received my name~!
Hey~I went to zoo yesterday and I saw a fish looks like a bamboo shark but with a big black spot on its body. Do you know that species?
Hi anon~! I think you’ve met an Epaulette Shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)~!
It is in the same family with the Whitespotted bamboo shark and the Brownbanded bamboo shark !
I am a hammerhead shark! 我係雙髻鯊!
A hammerhead shark has eyes and nostrils located at the two sides of its T-shaped head, which allow it to have wider horizon to detect prey. Among the 9 species of the Sphyrna family, Sphyrna lewini (Scalloped Hammerhead) and Sphyrna mokarran (Great Hammerhead) have been ranked as “endangered” in the IUCN Red List!
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Sharks are intelligent animals that some may even respond to trainer’s commands~ <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Behold the tiger shark~! 虎鯊到此一游~
Name: Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Conservation status: IUCN Red List: Near Threatened
原來虎鯊天生好好奇架,係個海度見到咩野都鐘意第一時間擺入口睇下好唔好味~由於虎鯊進食時習慣將獵物完整吞落肚,所以唔經唔覺會食埋好多垃圾!有人試過係虎鯊胃部發現鐵釘 、 車胎、玻璃樽等雜物!
Tiger shark is said to be one of the “Three Deadliest Sharks”!!
Tiger sharks appeared to be aggressive is due to their curious nature---they eat almost everything! Tiger sharks may mistakenly eat junk as they often eat their prey whole. It’s reported some bizarre things like iron nails, tires and glass bottles are found in the tiger shark stomach!
Behold the thresher shark~! 長尾鯊到此一游~
睇 住呀! ! ! !
All species of thresher sharks have been ranked as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List~!
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
(needs updating) Pop. trend: decreasing
Conservation Status : Vulnerable
Pop. trend: decreasing
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Pop. trend: decreasing
Yo I see your shark GIFs, can u do a thresher shark one?
Here you are~!
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
(needs updating) Pop. trend: decreasing
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Pop. trend: decreasing
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Pop. trend: decreasing
Whitetip reef shark scratching its head~!
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