Thinking about how badly Luo Binghe botched his own post-Abyss plan.
Luo Binghe: see what I'll do is, I'll unite the warring demon factions and reduce hostilities to the human realm, establish myself as a righteous cultivator and reform one of the most corrupt righteous sects into a noble and admirable place, and calmly and rationally demonstrate to Shizun that I'm not evil and have no wicked intentions and that he has nothing to fear from me!
*Smash cut to Luo Binghe chasing Shen Qingqiu through the streets and force-feeding him his blood within 24 hrs of their reunion*
*then participating in the corrupt sect's really obvious frame up job on Shen Qingqiu, sending him to torture jail*
*the frame up made worse by the rogue demon faction's simultaneous really obvious frame up job on Shen Qingqiu*
*all while uttering some of the most evil and wicked sounding dialogue imaginable.
Congrats Binghe, no one's ever done it worse.