so if somebody has a severe anxiety disorder or mental disability that makes uncomfortable with children, we aren't allowed to vent about it? even if there are no children around? like ok i really don't like kids, i'll be nice to them and everything but my anxiety skyrockets around them and i feel SO sensory overloaded. i would never say to them that i don't like being around them, but the truth is that i don't, and i can't help it.
There is a difference between having anxiety or another mental disability, and just saying that you hate children because they happen to be under a certain age limit. Vent all you need to, and I’m sorry your anxiety causes you to feel so uncomfortable around children, but don’t you dare do it in the earshot of children.
Basically having an anxiety disorder =/= spewing hatred of children.
I’m not saying people can’t dislike children, or can’t not want to have any. I’m saying don’t be so frivolent with your words when it comes to them. They are vulnerable and hearing that kind of shit is damaging.