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This is pretty much just a reblogging blog for the beautiful duo that is cockles and their character counterparts.
I also have a personal blog with random posts at sourpatch-k if anyone is interested
Anonymous asked:

Jensen and Misha barely talk anymore. While Jensen comments on everyone's posts, including Jared's, he never comments only on Misha's posts. He never loved Misha as much as he loved Jared, or even loved him at all

He also loves and cares for Jared more than anyone else in his life, even his wife and kids. He never loved anyone as much as he loved her. he loves him enough to die for.

You may think desperately that he loves Misha, but the facts are obvious, and you can't change that

—Regarding Dean, 12x11; Urban Cowboy, 1980
credit to Veneredirimmel!

There’s honestly so much layered queer-coding on Dean Winchester that it fucks me up. I remember on my first watch through of the series as it aired, I was frequently getting bisexual vibes off Dean. Strong ones. And it was SUBTLE, and it was hard to explain to people. I didn’t have a good REASON TO BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN IT. It was beyond the eyesex and the gay jokes in the show.

And it wasn’t until some time later, viewing the show as a whole, and catching all the references. The obscure(and not so obscure) movie references and cinematic parallels sprinkled liberally into the show ALL SUGGEST that Dean also has an attraction to men. It is the subtextiest subtext ever. 

It’s similar to the “Porky’s 2: The Next Day” reference.  In 4.05 “Monster Movie”, Dean says Sam would never guess what movie Dean would want his life to be, and Sam correctly guesses “Porky’s II”. Which, if you HAVEN’T SEEN IT, is not only about men who are scared to show off their feminine side and dress as fairies, but also has FAR LESS female nudity than the first movie, and significantly more MALE NUDITY. But would most viewers catch this? No. It’s a notoriously unpopular “bad” cult movie and most people haven’t SEEN IT. The pop culture joke that makes it work, is that people know the far more popular “Porky’s”, which is a pervy sophomoric sex comedy, and that it’s the “crappy sequel”. So the joke still works, and doesn’t COME OFF AS QUEER to the casual viewer. It just seems like Dean likes pervy sex comedy movies, and he especially likes one that’s thought of as being crappy.

 The sheer amount of shit the writers slid in to reference Dean as queer is actually A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT. They put in there REALLY OBVIOUS references for those who catch them, but that the average viewer would miss. That is what queer coding IS.

Dean’s flop back onto the bull is meaningless to someone who hasn’t seen Urban Cowboy, most wouldn’t even catch it. But for the ones who DO catch it, the scene IMMEDIATELY CALLS TO MIND the cowboy coming up and kissing her. The regular straight viewers of this scene who catch it could simply say “oh it’s just a reference to a movie with a similar scene”. And yet, they didn’t use Bud’s scenes? They SPECIFICALLY used Sissy’s SEXY mechanical bull riding scene where a cowboy comes up and kisses her.

The negative space of this scene is just SO LOUD.

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