Dead Libyan soldiers that were killed during the Toyota war on the Chad-Libya border in 1987, mummified by the harsh climate of the desert.
The Toyota war gets its name from the Toyota Hilux trucks that the Chadian soldiers used to fight against the Libyans to great effect.
The Libyan army suffered a serious and embarrassing defeat against a technologically and numerically inferior army, losing almost 8,000 men to Chad's 1,000, and losing nearly 2 billion dollars worth of military equipment provided by the UN and US.
At least 3 Bangladeshi died and 21 members of Bangladesh Navy have been injured in Beirut Blast. One is in critical condition, they are all part of the naval peackeeping contingent. BNS Bijoy, a guided missile corvette sustained serious damages.
It was very close to the blast radius.
Vietnamese UN Peacekeeper with the PAVN's second Level 2 field hospital rotation in South Sudan posing with soldiers from the Rwanda Defense Force.
Photo is oddly familiar....
“On the night of 26 May to 27 May 1995, Serbian elements captured by the ruse bridge observation post held by 12 French blue helmets. This strategic position is the point of entry of Sarajevo.
The order is immediately given to counter-attack.
The men of the 3e régiment d'infanterie de Marine supported by the RICM-officiel will take over this bridge after a fierce fight in which they will lose two of their own.”
A Swedish UN peacekeeper in Mali armed with an AK4B as a designated marksman rifle.
The Paratroopers of the Portuguese Army, of the 7th National Force, on mission in the Central African Republic at the service of the United Nations, are conducting a joint operation with Pakistan's blue helmet forces, also relying on the support of helicopters from the Sri Lanka and Pakistan, aimed at stabilizing peace in the Ndélé region, located in the north of the country near the border with Chad.
The priority mission is the protection of civilians, through the deterrent and restriction of movements of armed elements affected by the armed group FPRC (Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic) and arises after the confrontation between two factions (Rounga and Goula) of the same armed group, last April 29, which resulted in the deaths of 30 people (including 21 civilians), 50 injured and more than 8 000 displaced.
After leaving Bangui, on May 6, the projection of the Portuguese Force by land, implied a movement of about 650 km, which, due to weather and terrain, translated into a displacement of four days.
In order to ensure the protection of the local civilian population, the paratroopers of the Portuguese Army, supported by the Advanced Air Force Controllers of the Portuguese Air Force have been patrolling the Ndélé region since Wednesday.
This is the 7th National Force deployed in this theatre of operations, the current contingent being composed of 180 military, mostly special Paratroopers of the Portuguese Army, also integrating military from other Army units and Advanced Air Force Controllers.
"May never by losers meet each other"
Монгол цэргүүд хүний амийг зэвсэгт этгээдүүдээс аварлаа. БНӨСУ-д явагдаж буй #UNMISS ажиллагаанд үүрэг гүйцэтгэж байгаа Монгол Улсын Зэвсэгт хүчний VI ээлжийн мотобуудлагын батальоны харуулын дарга хошууч Л.Амарсанаа, ахлах ахлагч М.Тулга захирагчтай ажиллагааны шуурхай бүлэг Засгийн газрын эсрэг зэвсэгт этгээдүүд орон нутгийн энгийн иргэний биед халдан хүч хэрэглэн авч явах гэж байсныг таслан зогсоожээ.
Mongolian soldiers saved armed persons lives.
battalion in BNÖSU ongoing #UNMISS role of the armed forces VI shift of Mongolian play in motobuudlagyn patrol chief, Major L.Amarsanaa, Senior Portfolio Leader M.Tulga Staff carry using government power against armed gangs against a local civilian body to stop that.
Netherlands troops conducting peacekeeping operations in Mali.