John Green
It’s actually not too often that I take to Tumblr to get on my soapbox. I save that work for the classroom, or the pen, or in late night conversations with friends.
But then I was scrolling tonight and read a post from @fishingboatproceeds detailing why he perhaps will have to change the way he uses this website–because of cowardly comments from people, as he rightfully attests, stealing the language of social justice to degrade and humiliate.
I am an educator–degree in Theatre Education and English Education. I see every day the need for books that are representative, that speak to the concerns and lives and experiences of young people. I have cried myself to sleep at night because, too much of the time, I am required to force students through texts that they have no connection or relation to.
There is a reason why John Green is so popular within this audience. It is not because he is perfect as a person. (I’m going to assume he’s not.) It is not because his writing is perfect. (It’s not.) But his books have caught the attention of an audience because, more than anything, they capture the wild joy of being young. His characters are self-centered, pseudo-intellectual, completely wrapped up in their own little worlds and problems. Just like every. single. teenager. I have ever worked with as a teacher, director, or mentor.
His characters can be problematic–teenagers can be problematic.
If you don’t appreciate his writing–an honest critique would be welcome. Engaging with the literature of your time and in particular the literature that represents your demographic is a fantastic
But this post wasn’t about his writing. It accused John Green of writing with malicious intent to somehow…?????…Trap young girls? Another post I recently saw accused him of everything from being transphobic to racist to sexist to blah blah blah blah blah.
…What? Let’s dial back the crazy a bit, shall we?
There are real predators out there. Actual people who want to prey on young women. Go find them and fight them. John Green is not one of them.
There are actual racists out there. People who with violence or law would create and continue a society where racial minorities are second class citizens. THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO WANT TO DO PHYSICAL HARM TO THOSE OF A DIFFERENT RACE. Go find them and fight them.
John Green is not one of them.
There are actual misogynists out there. People who with violence or law would create and continue a society where women are second class citizens. THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO BELIEVE THAT WOMEN SHOULD LIVE THEIR LIVES SUBSERVIENT TO MEN. THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT CONDONE AND COMMIT ACTS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND ABUSE.
Go find them and fight them.
John Green is not one of them.
John Green, as an author, is not perfect. There are plenty of social and literary critiques that can certainly be applied.
He also has said and done many things that have promoted education and tolerance and has continued to help many young people read more and think more and engage with the world more.
If you are mistaking this man for your enemy, you are fighting the wrong fight.
In short, you may not agree with everything John Green says and does, you can dislike his writing, but for fucks sake, you are on the same side. Place your anger where it is deserved, where it’s needed, and stop making such idiotic accusations. You are not social justice warriors when you are so enraged by everything that you can’t tell the difference between an enemy and an ally.
If by chance you read this, John, know that I am saddened that you have to change the interaction with your fan base here on Tumblr–but I fully support your decision to do so. You should not for one second have to take a word of that kind of pathetic vitriol, and I can only imagine how sad it must make you feel to have such vile things spouted at you. Do what you have to do for your own happiness, mental health, and safety, and remember that you have a fan base who are loyal, who are clever, and who don’t give a second glance to hate and stupidity.
I’m shocked that this person doesn’t understand jack shit about why many people are angry about John Green, considering they’re being an ableist ass without actually physically harming disabled people or calling for their subservience (in so many words)--which to them, doesn’t qualify as ableism and shouldn’t be criticized or inspire hatred.
#Sarcasm. I’m not shocked at all. OP, you need to understand some shit about racism, sexism/misogyny, ableism, and other oppressive structures and cultures before you start designating who the real enemies are. Fun fact: they’re parts of ourselves and people we like too, even if we think we’re/they’re “the good ones”. Do not encourage an anti-criticism culture that will stagnate someone’s’ bad feminism at bad and/or a culture where everybody should be scared to criticize or dislike famous people cos some think they’re “better” than the other famous people (and some take it too far with death threats and the like--I’m sure some did, because some always do, though more so with marginalized people).
John Green isn’t the worst, there’re almost always worse people to point to and WRONGLY be like “No, THOSE people are Actually Oppressive”, but learn this: people can criticize/even hate whatever privileged white dude (who stepped over his bounds and was a shitty feminist [ally] in a way they feel harmed them) they want to without having ableist slurs and “Bad SJW! You’re hurting allies!” crap hurled at them, k. Learn that and then stop.