意味:to understate, to downplay, to put it mildly
例文:pure trashは控えめに言っている 例文の英訳:pure trash is an understatement
@seherstudies / seherstudies.tumblr.com
意味:to understate, to downplay, to put it mildly
例文:pure trashは控えめに言っている 例文の英訳:pure trash is an understatement
意味 【いみ】:(the sorrow of) parting
例文 【れいぶん】:
例文の英訳 【れいぶんのえいやく】:You've been a great help to me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a sense of remorse.
= lose yourself in something
Ex. 読んでいくうちに私たちはどんどん不思議な世界に引き込まれていく。 よんでいく うちに わたしたちは どんどん ふしぎな せかいに ひきこまれていく。 As we read, we lose ourselves in a magical world.
Started reading the Blue Period light novel today and I managed uhh... two pages. That is embarrassing, but honestly, I don't know what I expected after 3 months of barely using any Japanese.
I did notice that I forgot some of the verbs that are used for clothing items so made a little cheat sheet while I am at it.
Does anyone know if there is a similar term to 'post-concert depression' in Japanese?
In formal settings like in a business meeting or at a public gathering some words are switched with politer forms. You often hear them when somebody is giving a speech, holding a presentation or on TV. But they appear in written form as well, especially in business context. Basically, everywhere where keigo is used, it is also expected to apply politer forms.
"Let's see, that would be... almost everything?"
Reading about these children struggling with studying while I am struggling myself. Nice.
Meaning: to love something once you see it. 一度見ただけで好きになること。
Example: こちらは缶に一目惚れ。 こちらは ほとぎに ひとめぼれ。 These (chocolates) were love at first sight in a can.
Meaning: A tends to become/happen/occur
Construction: ryk + がち/がちになる N + がち/がちになる
Example sentences: ストレスを感じていたら緑を取り入れ、気持ちが沈みがちのときには橙(オレンジ)色を生活にプラスしてみてください。
ストレスを かんじていたら みどりを とりいれ、きもちが しずみがちの ときには おれんじいろを せいかつに ぷらすしてみてください。
Try adding green to your life if you are feeling stressed, and orange to your life when you tend to feel down.
その学生達は同じ間違いを犯しがちだ。 そのがくせいたちは おなじ まちがいを おかしがちだ。 Those students are apt to make the same mistakes.
Note: As I was only told, only used for negative things.
Treated myself to breakfast at a café today and alao dug through my drawer of hooks for something to restart my Japanese studies with. I have this (初•中級), but also have the next one in the same series, so this is just to see if I'm completely lost. Went through most of the chapter on time relationships (~とき、Vながら、~前に、~後で、~後、Vてから) and am delighted to say that this is easy peasy still, yay!
Hey fellow Japanese langblrs! Any suggestions for YouTubers/bloggers that make videos exclusively in Japanese? I’m not necessarily looking for instruction videos, but something casual I can listen to and get a feel for, preferably daily life vlogs or video essay type videos. If you have any recs pls lmk!
I used to listen to both Noriko-sensei's and Ako-sensei's N2 podcasts all the time a few years ago. Ako-sensei doesn't upload anymore but all her podcasts are still available.
I sometimes listen to this podcast.
Ririka does mostly haul, lifestyle and vlog videos. Personally I find her voice very pleasant and easy to listen to.
I also really enjoyed their channel. Uploads are scarce these days because they stopped living together but there are still plenty of old videos to check out.
I finally was able to finish the series about the Obon Society on Satori reader and make the vocab list!
The Obon Society is a non-profit organisation that returns 寄せ書きの日の丸 (よせがきのひのまる), a flag on which family members of a soldier about to go off to war would write personal words of encouragement and well-wishes, to bereaved famlies.
Vocab down below.
意味/meaning:会社・役所などの仕事で、他の地域・場所に臨時に派遣されること。Business trip.
例文/Example sentence: 彼を北海道へ出張させた。 かれを ほっかいどうへ しゅっちょうされた。 I sent him to Hokkaido on business.
i want to post some japanese langblr content, but i feel like the only one who is starting at 0. the past semester i was just learning to read and i'm still in introductions lol 😔😭
Post it regardless!! Your langblr is for you 💕
Me a few days ago: When will I ever need the two kanji for lapis lazuli? I'll skip those.
Well, about that...
conjunctions - words that are used to link phrases together
情報を加える // Adding information:
しかも besides そのうえ moreover, on top of that さらに moreover, on top of that そればかりか not only that, but also... そればかりでなく not only that, but also...
情報を対比する // Putting into contrast:
それに対して in contrast 一方 whereas
他の可能性・選択肢を言う // Giving alternatives:
あるいは or perhaps (presenting another possibility) それとも or (presenting another option within a question)
結論を出す// Drawing a conclusion:
そのため for that reason したがって therefore そこで for that reason (I went ahead and did...) すると thereupon (having done that triggered sth. to happen) このように with this (adjusting a conclusion to the arguments given beforehand) こうして in this way
理由を言う // Giving a reason:
なぜなら...からだ the reason is というのは...からだ the reason is
逆説を表現する // Expressing a contradiction:
だが however, yet, nevertheless (contradicting what one would have expected) ところが even so (spilling a surprising truth) それなのに despite this, still それでも but still (despite a certain fact, nothing changes)
説明を補う // Amending one's explanation:
つまり that is, in other words (saying the same thing using different words) いわば so to speak (making a comparison) 要するに to sum up, in short
説明を修正する // Revising one's explanation:
ただし however (adding an exception to the information stated beforehand) ただ only, however もっとも however (obviating any expectations that might arise through the previous statement) なお in addition, note that (adding supplementary information)
話題を変える // Changing the subject:
さて well, now, then (common in business letters after the introductory sentence; is often ignored in tranlations) ところで by the way
あつぎ = wearing thick clothes, dressing warmly. ⇔薄着
Ex. 彼はいつも厚着している。 かれは いつも あつぎ している。 He always wears thick clothes.