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Writing & Art & Such

@seaglass-skies /

Banner art by Jade Merien Icon by jackdaw-sprite (used with permission)

Compliment them. That person you think has their shit together and wouldn't need it or want to hear it. They do. They absolutely do. Their shit is dispersed. I promise you. It is a shambles.

I've had someone tell me to my face that they would compliment me, but for the fact that I already know this or that about myself. Huh???? No. Sorry.

No I don't. In my weaker moments I become an ungrateful mud monkey that has never once internalized a compliment

I adore being told you like me or something I've done. It sustains me, and in my weaker moments when I forget that life is good and happy, you might catch me before I fall.

You ever had someone catch you like that? You can do it too. The ones that catch you have been you in that moment before and know they will be again.


guy who is definitely not about to fall into a surprise midday nap with an aftermath worse than a hangover: it seems like a really good idea to lay in bed and get cozy under the blanket as part of my plan not to fall asleep. I do not know why.


Pros of re-reading your own fic

  • a good time;
  • Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
  • Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
  • just a very fun time all around.

Cons of re-reading your own fic:

  • Is that another TYpO
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