Hello, hope you're well! :) Question about Brief Psychotic Disorder. Character is traumatized by having to face his abuser and his manipulation/mental abuse daily. Character is an addict, and, in the throes of the psychotic episode, relapses into abusing Xanax/Valium/Vicodin and the like to deal with the stress. Would that stop the psychotic episode, since it 'helps' him feel less anxious/scared/stressed and 'feel less' traumatized? Or is it not that simple?
From what I can tell, it’s really not that simple. These medications may help the character feel temporarily better and less stressed out, but it would not end their psychotic episode. You’d typically need antipsychotics for that.
However, because your character has brief psychotic disorder, not schizophreniform, schizophrenia, etc, it’s possible that by the time an antipsychotic could kick in, the psychosis could already have ended. Sometimes they can kick in within a few days; other times it can take 6 weeks for the effects to kick in (to qualify for a diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder, the episode can’t last more than 4 weeks).
Disclaimer - psychopharm is not my forte, at all - @scriptpharmacist may help you get a better answer.