line without a hook gif set for @gmanwhore (source) :•]
[ID: 7 GIFs from the music video for "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery.
GIF 1: Ricky smashing dishware on a table with a black baseball bat.
GIF 2: Ricky smashing a guitar, and before he smashes it, the GIF cuts to him in the foreground looking back at him in the background smashing it.
GIF 3: Ricky throwing something, then the GIF cuts to a window being smashed.
GIF 4: Ricky punching a mirror which fractures.
GIF 5: Reverse footage showing smoke clouding the air dissipating, revealing a white rug.
GIF 6: Reverse footage of Ricky smashing dishware on a table with a baseball bat, the dishware reforming and him stepping back.
GIF 7: Ricky smashing a wooden chair on the ground. End ID]