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@saturnbees /

Bex 24 they/them eternally tired

like you guys know "oppression olympics" was an anti-sjw buzzword meant to demean discussions of material social dynamics, right?


It does not matter where terms come from

it doesn't confer some magical curse or anything but also i do think that pointing out a term for "actually talking about oppression is meaningless" was coined by reactionary conservatives is, in fact, quite meaningful and relevant to the discussion.

"it does not matter where terms come from" is such a brain-dead, anti-intellectual, ahistorical, politically illiterate, lazy dipshit doormat take that i'm actually floored. like how fuckin embarrassing


From penis to vaginaaaaaaa

Vagiiiinoooplastyyyyy YES!

Men . to woman. Woman. To men

Hitting replay

I want to know it all

What is the protocól

Adam's apple reduction ! 😃

I havent been this delighted since morbius dropped HAVE SEX

This is like if morbius have sex was extremely transphobic and also got nominated 13 times


It’s too late to save the world

Ash trees sprout in cracks in the asphalt. The gutters collect leaves, which become soil, in which dandelions sprout.

There’s nothing you can do

A man plants an entire forest. A young girl teaches a drone to deliver saplings. The elderly volunteer to clean up radioactive waste.

You might as well give up

Wolves return to ancestral hunting grounds. Bison return to the prairie. Otters return to the kelp beds. Young oaks push roots deep into reclaimed farmland.

Who cares anyway?

Children draw pictures of flowers. Festivals are held for cherry blossoms and pecans and apples. A crowd cheers as the last line is cut away from the ensnared creature.

I have disobeyed worse than you
The world does not die on my watch

Y’all thought I was just being poetic


Everyone please behold this baby tree:

It's so much smaller than the support posts, they had to secure it with caution tape.

Caution: baby!

One day (but not this day)!



Now taller than a human person!

In case you were wondering!


Filling out, and up!

We threw it a birthday party once spring arrived. 🎂


“National teacher shortage” is a fun way of saying that the USA has made a passion driven job so ungodly inhospitable that even people who “just care about teaching, not the money” don’t even care about teaching anymore.

I feel the need to jump in and say this truly does depend on the state. How teachers are treated is almost entirely up to your state’s education department as well as if you live in a high union or low union state.

My state does not have a teacher shortage and it’s actually really competitive in public schools… but that’s because our state’s constitution guarantees equal access to good education regardless of income. It’s because every public school has a strong union. Believe it or not I switched to teaching in large part FOR the money.

I feel like this is important to say because it’s a lot easier to influence local politic rather than national ones. Look up average teacher pay in your state. Stay up to date on issues. Go public comment when they’re discussing new laws. It makes a difference.


It's always so weird that like. Fully a third of job listings I see in machine learning are for biomedical research. And easily two thirds of postdocs. Massive, huge family of applications that seems completely absent from the public discourse. From the way people talk about it you'd think half the field works in image generation and nobody does medical research, but in reality only a tiny handful of people seem to be doing image generation, and everyone else is either doing language models or studying cancer and designing novel drugs

Maybe this is me thinking "biology is second nature to us biology researchers" but I get really frustrated with how the attention on AI surrounds human-imitating AIs. AlphaFold2 solved* a decades-long problem in biochemistry and got a Nobel prize, but the news covers that less than OpenAI ownership. AI seems on the edge of upending radiology, and this site's "Is AI bad?" discourse doesn't give even a passing mention to medical applications. If it doesn't try to pass the Turing test, the average person doesn't care about it.

the fact we can train a machine to make vaguely human-like decisions to solve problems like "make a new type of magnet that doesn't use rare-earth metals" is incredible. the discourse being limited to "well, i hate it when it the problem being solved is 'write' or 'draw a picture'. it should be washing my dishes" makes me sad.


Well those are allllmost done

question. why do you have 7 featureless grey monoliths in your driveway

There's eight actually but the last one is still in the garage

question. why do you have eight featureless grey monoliths

They're actually a really dark purple

question. why do you have seven featureless really dark purple monoliths in your driveway and an eighth in the garage

Some of them do have features though. There's holes and hinges and stuff, so I can put secrets in em

question. why do you have 8 really dark purple occasionally featureful monoliths

The heart wants what the heart wants

this reads like a muppet sketch

see? See!??!

You're not wrong

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