#sanemi shinazugawa – @sasoriis on Tumblr

folded in the firmament

@sasoriis /

An anime side blog with. Occasional ship talk and bias to my favorite series/characters at the moment. I follow back from my main gif + edits

This is way after the fact, but I wonder if they'll update any of the Demon Slayer nendoroids in the future. Like, I love the Sanemi nendoroid and think it's perfect in so many ways, but it would reach unprecedented levels of perfection if he had an ohagi or a beetle to hold, or a wider range of expressions to fully reflect the journey of his character over the course of the series. I haven't really followed a Ufotable as a studio, so idk if it's realistic to hope for something like this, but it seems like they really want to do right by the series and characters, and it would make sense to have a final merch push after they finish animating everything (I'm sure the sales will play a role as well). I want to believe...


Random finale thoughts...

  • They ended it at the perfect time, IMO. Initially, I thought they would end it with everyone falling, and leave it at that, but I like that they took the time show us everyone's individual reactions as they fell, as well as a preview of the castles itself. So creepy!
  • I went into this episode preparing to make another montage of Sanemi moments, but left feeling like each scene deserved its own moment to be highlighted....This is another way of me saying that this episode was beautiful. I mean, most of them are, but I'm finding myself staring at and replaying various scenes over and over again. I'm sure part of this is because of how long I've been waiting to see these scenes in motion, and I'm still processing the fact that they're finally here. Either way, I'm always happy to make more Sanemi gifs, and reblog other Sanemi gifsets 🥹 Speaking of which...
  • I love what they did with Sanemi this season overall. I know not everyone watches for the slower moments, but the filler moments this season were really special to me. We get to see more Wind Breathing, more of his friendship with Obanai, we hear about his beetles! The only thing still missing is his dog 😭. I don't expect a filler scene of him and his dog, I understand why, at this point, there wouldn't be a filler scene of him and his dog, but I'm going to continue to dream of having a filler scene of him and his dog lmao. Anyway, all of his scenes this episode were perfect.
  • ....Which they really should be since he may not get another big moment for another, what, maybe three years???
  • I'll be honest, I was kind of disappointed at the trilogy announcement, admittedly for selfish reasons. I'm really looking forward to the UM1 fight, and was prepared to wait two years for Ufotable to animate Infinity Castle as full season, but movie trilogy implies to me that there will be one movie a year, meaning the UM1 movie won't be released until 2027. I also was really looking forward to seeing OP and ED animations for Infinity Castle. So, that kinda bums me out. 2027 is so far away!! HOWEVER.
  • I get it, and I can accept that practically, it's the best option. Ufotable has other projects, and the next three KnY fights are SO important to execute effectively. They'll need time to do that at the same time that they're working on other series. So...movies make sense. I can wait, because I know they're adapting this series with care and will do their best by it.
  • The only minor complaint I have this season is their adaptation Sanemi's height. He's shorter than Genya, and that's the truth I'm living lmao.

"From now on, I think I’ll hide a red bean mochi in my sleeve and give it to Shinazugawa every time I see him," is hilarious to me because it makes Giyuu sound like he's going to somehow maintain and infinite supply of red bean mochi on hand and attempt to give Sanemi a brand new one every time they interact, no matter the context, for an indefinite period of time. That, or he's going to present the same one to him over and over and over (and over) again.

When I read the manga, the translation I read used "when" in place of "every time," which read more like a singular event. For the record, I this isn't a critique - I love the scene and this line no matter what. Tbh, I like the official English sub translation even more because there are a variety of ways you can interpret it. It's still endearing, there's also a layer of mildly unhinged (I say this lovingly) persistence to the cause lmao.

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